Teen Playmate



Rumble Videos

THREE HOLIDAY CAROLS PLAYED AND SUNG by Rev Dr Daniel Roy Bloomquist (You Tube):

(NOT "let" it snow. What can you do about it?)

Oh the weather outside is frightful
And your flowing locks inciteful
But while I can't flee and go
It'll snow. it'll snow, it'll snow.

Your hair hangs low by the fire
Flowing locks impose desire
I am trapped in the sinful mire
Later on naked whore I will hire(?)

When I finally get away
Free from mopheaded porn I do pray
I'll be happy, thankful, and gay
'Praise the Lord' I will then say.

Oh the weather outside is frightful
And your flowing locks inciteful
But while I can't flee and go
It'll snow. it'll snow, it'll snow.

It'll Snow, It'll Snow, It'll Snow

(red-nosed or not)

Rudely the mopheads sit there
Some not baring feet and toes
Ignorantly seducing
They do make our penis grow.

All of the other girls
Ponytailed in back of head
Or modestly have up-do
Decent they sure look instead.

Then one foggy Christmas Day
Preacher came to say:
"Mopheads flaunting senseless lust
Tie it up, or back, you must."

Then how the righteous loved him
And they shouted out with glee:
"Now we can look right at them
And pure-sighted we will be."

Loose long hair does titillate
Lust it does incite
Lewd hairstyle presumed alright
Porn, though, is the lurid sight.

Then righteous reprimand them
"Put it up, or ponytail,
Here is the band to do it
Do it now and do not fail."

Rudely the Porno Mopheads


Jingle balls Tingle balls
Frigid all the way
Oh how cold it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh. EH?

Jingle balls Tingle balls
Mopheads all the way
Oh the sin they do cause me
To masturbate away.

Dashing through the snow
In a frigid open sleigh
Flowing locks they show
Lurid all the way

Ponytails distained
Hairbands not retained
Oh how stupid mopheads are
To not see nothing gained. OH . . .

Jingle balls Tingle balls
Frigid all the way
Oh how sinful is to ride
In a mophead's open sleigh. EH?

Jingle balls Tingle balls
Mopheads all the way
Oh the sin they do cause me
To masturbate away.

Jingle Balls Tingle Balls

High-School Graduation-Test Final Exam

"I'm under Law, not under grace -- unless I'm free in Christ to run through some red stoplights by faith in Jesus" (?)

Voicemail from my Virtual Concubine

Lick Soles and Suck Toes (Heterosexual Foreplay)

CRULES (Control Rules)

Why Believe the Bible?


Body Show

Original Sin Nature?


Inferior-Gender Equal Opportunity for Only Heterosexual Marriage and Salvation

Which to Wear: hijab, niqab, chador, or burka?

Heterosexual Mate Seek/Find/Retain Service #1


Heterosexual Mate Seek/Find/Retain Service #2

Credibility of Common Sense Science

Oöphoi - Unbearable Sadness of Memories

Old Inuit Song

Shamanic Tibetan Meditation

Navy Hymn

The Glory of the Cross

Cleansing Fountain

Pilgrim's Hymn (Stephen Paulus)

He Who Shall Endure to the End (Mendelssohn)

Alleluia (Randall Thompson)

Salvation is Created (Pavel Tchesnokov)

Oasis (Maynard Ferguson)

Eiger Sanction (John Williams)

Julian Bream | Recuerdos de la Alhambra | Francisco Tárrega

David Russell plays Recuerdos de la Alhambra by Francisco Tárrega

Recuerdos de la Alhambra - Cordoba Master Series Torres Model

Ode to Joy (9th Symphony - Beethoven)

Gloria (Missa Solemnis - Beethoven)

Hoedown (Aaron Copland)

Concrete and Steel (ZZ Top)

Foreigner - "Urgent"

Common Sense Science Hotlinks

OM Chanting

Cateresy: Atonement by Ingesting Eucharist?

NO woman should orate in a pulpit nor at a lecturn
near the altar in any Christian church, Islamic mosque, or Jewish synagogue
within a congregation containing men, per First Corinthians 14:33-38 and First Timothy 2:11-14.

Love Hate

Also, NO child 12 and under (noisy or not) should be allowed entrance into any religious-worship sanctuary
per Job 6:24 & 13:5, Psalm 62:1, Proverbs 22:15, Ecclesiastes 3:7, Isaiah 3:12 & 47:5, Habakkuk 2:20,
Zephaniah 1:7 and Zechariah 2:13

All Churches in the United States pastored by a woman clergyperson should have their Tax-Exempt Status revoked,
in accord with Ecclesiastes 7:26-28, Isaiah 3:12, Nahum 3:12-13, First Corinthians 14:33-38, First Timothy 2:8-15, and First Peter 3:7.

Although genuine "ladies" should wear socks with shoes when in general mixed-gender public view . . .

. . . the natural spouse with non-painted fingernails and no toenail polish is
at her sexually-attractive, most-erotically-appealing, desirable best!

"GlamSham" tattoos, piercings, eyeshadow,
lipstick & allergy-irritating perfumes are also a turn-off

Roy Moore and the Election of December 2017

Law to Yet Obey, or Faith Only not Fruits-of-the-Spirit Good Works for Salvation?

Free Will & Blood Sacrifice?

Three Heresies Refuted

Law to Save?


Martin Luther and the Jews

Comparison of Various Bible-Verse Wording in Different Bible Translations

All-Season Public-Modesty Dress Code

High School Graduation Final Exam

God FOR Wine!

Convention Speech to Catholics

Counteracting "catholic" Heresies

Faure's Requiem


Print, re-copy, distribute, and utilize this as an Annual Mate-a-Thon Application and Questionnaire!


Bare Arms in General-Public View?

Bach - Matthäus Passion - Conductor Pieter Jan Leusink



Detailed Biblical Basis for Public Modesty Pertaining to
Female-Human Hairstyles, Armwear, Legwear, and Footwear

Hair for Sex

Holy Kiss?

Christian Concubines Application and Apportionment Service

Mate Selection Manager

Mate Prep
Mate Exam
Mate Cert

Sounds of hetero-pleasure =


Sights of hetero-pleasure = pornchek (htm)

Dirty Laundry (Don Henley)

Satmaric Concubines Advocacy

The following is an imaginary conversation between the Creator God (i.e. Jesus Christ)
and His first human, Adam, before and after Adam ate the Forbidden Fruit Eve gave to him

Genesis 2:16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying: "You may freely eat of every tree of the garden;
17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die."

Genesis 2:25 And the man and his wife were both naked, and were not ashamed.

[ NOTE: The Text does not state that the man and his WIFE "saw" that they were naked and not ashamed, but instead states that they WERE naked and were not ashamed. Important difference and distinction! ] ADAM (to GOD): What does 'die' mean?

GOD: You don't want to know, nor find out.

ADAM: That's not very scientific. We should be open-minded, investigative, and exploratory.

GOD: You don't want to know what 'die' means. Trust Me.

GOD (to Adam only): "Where are you?"

ADAM: "You are omniscient, aren't You? Why ask me what you already know? Why didn't you call for Eve, who started the whole problem?"

GOD: Yeah, I'm omniscient and know everything, all right. I just had to put the request into words, because you're not psychic and haven't taken Mind Reading 101. Some goofs in the future emanating from you and your worse half will presume that "the spirit" - without referring to my actual Word the Bible - will magically ooze My thoughts and intentions to them without using Old or even New Testament words or concoct them "reading between the lines," so I am starting it off right and speaking quite-understandable/non-figurative-nor-metaphorical words so there are no excuses and no misunderstandings.

Besides, I called for you because you're the male in charge and therefore who I choose to speak to....instead of conversing with the inferior gender, who already has screwed up and, in her confusing and harassing wrong-headedness, would probably get all this incorrect also.

ADAM: OK, for the record, I'm here.

Now, I heard the sound of You in the Garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.

GOD: Didn't think I was noisy to get your attention; maybe I should have snuck up on you.
So, a little game of hide-and-seek, cat-and-mouse? I am not interested.

How come you were afraid because you were naked? I created you nude, so what do you expect? I really do not have a problem with your nakedness, and we won't even mention what I think of all-bared Eve your wife, another of My masterpieces. Could it be that you were afraid because you were disobedient to My Don't-Eat-of-That-Tree Command....rather than scared because you were naked, had become aware that you were naked, or for some strange cause had associated nakedness with shame? Is being naked and knowing that you were naked such a frightening thing? I had thought that you'd get a kick out of knowing what nakedness was, becoming aware of it, and appreciating being naked.

Now you assume - and rightly so - that it is naughty to be naked in public view . . . and THAT ALONE is the REAL cause of you being ashamed -- which is: being naked in general public view . . . NOT that you are in any way ashamed of your own nakedness nor that of your wife's nakedness.

And another thing: My Bible reads NOT that you and Eve "saw" - but instead: KNEW that you both were naked . . . and ashamed NOT of your own nor her nakedness . . . but instead ashamed of being naked IN GENERAL PUBLIC VIEW. More to come, even though you don't know the details yet.

Speaking of nakedness, those little what-I-call "aprons" which you both "sewed" with what I guess I call sewing "needles" simply don't cut it. That skimpy fashion and style just won't do as society grows, being that it would cause immodesty and immorality problems.

Well, in order to fulfill that verse that Moses will eventually write down according to My audible Numbers 7:89 dictation to him from above the Mercy Seat of The Ark of the Covenant which will be written, namely:

Genesis 3:21: And the LORD God made for Adam and for his wife garments of skins, and clothed them.

....here are some skins I got from you-don't-have-a-clue-where-and-how-I-got-them, and I will personally dress up both of you in them. You'll like them, though they're not from Men's Warehouse. I guarantee it.

ADAM: There goes my air-conditioning and tanning. How am I supposed to "Multiply and Fill the Earth" with this stuff on? How am I supposed to get erotically aroused and get penile erection with Eve all modestly dressed up like that -- with chignon and long sleeves, full-length skirt, and her feet covered with socks under her sandals?

Good thing she was and is my wife and thus married to me when were nude, the sights of which I am beginning to forget. But was that lascivious and illegal indecent exposure by both of us back then? Would it be obscene if we both got nude again, especially to bathe and do what it takes to "Multiply and Fill the Earth?"

GOD: When I oust you and your wife out of The Garden, those clothes will come in handy to protect you and yours against hostile conditions which will devastate the dinosaur population, especially after global-climate-altering Noah's Worldwide Flood, which Noah and family are to be saved by being in an Ark while everyone else drowns.

ADAM: You know, God, there are a lot of things You have said which I do not understand. Who is 'Moses' and the strange other stuff you mentioned about some Ark, Covenant, and worldwide drownings?

GOD: Don't worry about it. The Text of The HOLY BIBLE has already begun with this dialogue I am having with you, so remember it and pass it on to your children as oral tradition until I finger it into the Ten Commandments of stone on Mount Sinai and Moses inerrantly pens it and a lot more down on papyrus, during which penning I will personally correct, corroborate, add, and subtract any errors starting with the beginning of recorded history which I convey to him then.

ADAM: So getting back to sexual reproduction, how are we supposed to procreate dressed up like this?

GOD:: Your comment a while back that you were afraid because you were naked intrigues Me. And as you remember, I followed up with the comment that:

Genesis 3:11: "Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten of The Tree of which I commanded you not to eat?"

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Eve and you (not you and Eve) being disobedient eaters somehow - if even faintly - relates to you becoming aware that you were naked (not to mention Eve). And not only the idea of 'die' came from Me, but also an after-the-fact idea of 'shame' came from Me, which future author Moses who was born into nakedness-is-shameful society wrote down at My behest. Perhaps the idea of 'shame' relating with 'nakedness' should have been stated somewhere after the description of your acts of disobedience in Genesis. Nevertheless, I, through Moses, had the Holy Spirit write it into Scripture in the order it is presently in, so live with it.

As you can therefore guess, being naked -- in the first place, before you both disobeyed -- was not shameful nor indecent. Wait till the Holy Spirit has Solomon write his Song of Solomon into the expanding Bible.....along with such Divinely-inspired additions as Leviticus chapter 18 and 20, Isaiah chapter 47 and 57, Ezekiel chapters 16 and 23, plus Hosea chapter 2 will suggest birthday-suit-bare stripping to not only get you and Eve to get into the mood but enhance your know-how of My Human Sexuality Operating Manual. Isaiah (in Isaiah chapter 20) will go nude, as will the prophets:

First Samuel 19:24 And he too stripped off his clothes, and he too prophesied before Samuel, and lay naked all that day and all that night. Hence it is said, "Is Saul also among the prophets?"

....but for a different purpose than the demoniac:

Luke 8:27: And as he stepped out on land, there met him a man from the city who had demons; for a long time he had worn no clothes, and he lived not in a house but among the tombs.

ADAM: How about me searching for and enjoying all-I-can-see sights of as many completely-bare-naked other women besides Eve who will be around later on?

GOD: Fine, but such have to first be regarded by both you and each of them as permanent spouses who you all belong only to each other only in marriage, with or without wedding ceremonies. And if you get a harem of multiple wives or concubines, you have to provide for each one, and that probably is going to be a rather financially-depleting hassle -- as 600-wives/400-concubines Solomon and Esther's bevy-of-concubines Ahasuerus will find out in the future. It could get to be: "For Faster Service, Take a Number," and all those women belonging only to those two men will not have much of a concentrated sex life, particularly as the aging guys get older, tired and take longer to recuperate, more limpid, and more flaccid. You might even get The Purple-Penie Aware. Hopefully, they won't masturbate themselves in abusive self-sodomy so as to not increase their chances of getting and succombing to prostate cancer.

ADAM: What is a 'wedding ceremony?'

GOD:: Something not necessary, and usually expensive.

ADAM: So what's the bottom line with savoring the art of mass female-human nakedness? Is it porn? With my own wives or concubines? The wives and concubines of others?

GOD: My Prime Directive is to be dressed in complete modesty whenever in general public view -- year-round -- regarding legitimate hairstyles, armwear, legwear and footwear.....and when people are not dressed modesty in general public view it is and should continue to be deemed shameful, embarrassing, humiliating, and sexually obscene.

When in private with the wife, wives, or concubines of one's own, the future atoning sacrifice of Christ Jesus on a cross applies to all spouses of all time and location by (among other things) restores shame-free Paradise Lost as when back in Eden, sanctifying initial total marital nakedness of spouses in private out of general public view -- whether they believe and/or admit it or not.

Mate Reconnaissance Form

Mate Evaluation Form

Mate Deployment Form

(Pray and Practice for Sex - ADULTS ONLY)

The question is: "WHICH Decent-and-Well-Rounded, Practical and Realistic,
Public Sex Ed is Better for an Impressionable Kid?"

To audibly read the restrictive-but-honorably-promising RSV's, NASB's, ESV's, NRSV's Numbers 5, Leviticus 18, II Samuel 13, Proverbs 5-7, Song of Solomon 1-8, Isaiah 20 and 47, Jeremiah 2, Ezekiel 16 and 23, Hosea 2, Nahum 3, First Corinthians 6 and 7 . . .

. . . then get into . . .

Heterosexual Mate Seek/Find/Retain Service #1


Heterosexual Mate Seek/Find/Retain Service #2


1. They both pray to Jesus for sexual performance guidance before beginning:

then, with zero antisocial distancing, or Proximity Spacing, he completely undresses his Essential concubinal spouse

and she, wearing no coronacovid facemask, completely undresses her common-law husband and they shower together.

2. Keeping female feet clean from shower to bed (with temporary fresh socks put on after
she steps out of the shower onto a clean bathtowel on the bathroom floor, or being carried by him to the bedroom)
they get into bed and he sucks her toes and licks her feet (especially soles) and pussy.

3. He gives her a complete breasts-and-genital-and-buttocks-oriented full-body massage in various positions with finger insertions

4. She caresses and sucks his penis as pre-cum foreplay.

5. They engage in genitally penetrative and connected coitus, with him giving her a creampie.


Ephesians 5:3 But fornication and all [public-sensual-art and/or masturbational] impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is fitting among saints.
4 Let there be no filthiness, nor silly talk, nor levity, which are not fitting; but instead let there be thanksgiving.
5 Be sure of this, that no fornicator nor [sexually] impure person, or one who is covetous (that is, a porn-producing/lusting-at-porn/self-sodomizing-to-porn idolater), has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.
6 Let no one deceive you with empty words, for it is because of these things that the wrath of God comes upon the [erotically-deviant] offspring of disobedience.
7 Therefore do not associate with them,
8 because once you were [lewd-conduct] darkness, but now you are [righteously-pure] light in the Lord; walk as children of light
9 because the fruit of light is found in all that is good, correct, and true,
10 and try to learn what is pleasing to the Lord.
11 Take no part in the fruitless works of [immodest] darkness, but instead [appropriately] expose them.
12 because it is a shame even to speak of the things that they do in secret,
13 but when anything is exposed by the light it becomes visible, because anything that becomes visible is light [photonically speaking].
14 Therefore it is said, "Awake, sleeper, and get up from the dead, and Christ will give you light."
15 Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise humans but as wise,
16 making the most of the time, because the times are evil.
17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.


Feel free to visit me in the north Malachy parsonage on
Armagh Street in Clontarf (zip 56226) near Benson Minnesota

E-Mail me at: sainterotica@yandex.com
or phone me (Pastor Daniel) at 612-578-8638