One of growing-in-popularity trendy choices for young adults to view on YouTube involves A Gal Asking a Random Guy for Sex, A Guy Asking a Random Gal for Sex, A Guy Asking a Random Gal to Let Him Kiss Her, A Gal Sitting on the Lap of Some Random Guy in a Park, A Guy Asking some Random Gal to Marry Him, and more.

The desperate erotic needs of such person could not be made more clear.

Because of that, the following is presented:

Christian Concubines Application and Apportionment Service is a constitutionally-legitimate, non-State-registered, mate-reconnaissance and acquisition and deployment service, informally operated and tentatively managed by a retired American male (Icorigin) presently subsidized by Uncle Sam (i.e. receiving monthly Social Security checks).

It is discriminatorily intended for non-monetary use by only a certain voluntary quasi-anonymous clientele consisting of men aged 20 to 80, who even might currently already be legally married, who desire and are honestly capable of fully loving and providing for a permanent additional-but-non-State-licensed spouse (i.e. a common-law-quasi-equivalent concubine -- in accord with RSV's Ecclesiastes 2:8 and RSV's First Timothy 3:2,12 and Titus 1:5-9) . . . . and only for never-before-married single women aged 20 to 40 exclusively (in accord with KJV's First Corinthians 7:1-9,36, KJV's First Timothy 2:15, and KJV's First Timothy 5:14) who also desire such a non-legally-regulated-inheritance-and-child-support, clandestine and furtive, marital arrangement.

Leviticus 21:7 They shall not marry a harlot or a woman who has been defiled; neither shall they marry a woman divorced from her husband; for the priest is holy to his God.
Leviticus 21:14 A widow, or one divorced, or a woman who has been defiled, or a harlot, these he shall not marry; but he shall take to wife a virgin of his own people.

CCAAS is obviously not a fornication nor adultery service, nor is it intended to be misused as a mistress-acquisition or cohabitational (or "shacking up") entity where permanent marriage is not actually involved, evidenced by mutual Mate Deployment Form, and it is preferably only for orthodox KJV/RSV/NASV/ESV-Bible-espousing Christians (and thus, at this point, non-Christians such as cultic protestants, cultic catholics, and those of the jewish, islamic, or other religions, are strongly advised to not participate).

Applicants are advised to directly and courageously initiate communication with whoever seems appropriate by exchanging character-assessment information relating to the Mate Reconnaissance Form and the Mate Evaluation Form.

This service is expressly off limits to those considering committing, and/or having committed, the sinful (though currently pseudo-"legal") so-called "same-sex marriage" (which, in fact, and according to obvious Scriptural parameters, is nothing more than lustful-and-not-loving licensed sodomy unions of homosexuals).

Dependable efficiency of this service is not guaranteed, nor is any information involved with it necessarily valid nor accurate.

No legal liability is accepted by CCAAS nor its Manager.

Any assumed or presumed reference to any person or inferred proposition in real life related to CCAAS might be considered unintentional and merely a coincidence.

The service works this way:

Advertising for this service is done by word of mouth, or however anyone wants to advertise it.

This service is not available for grossly-defiled, already-married, divorced, nor widowed women and those outside the age range of 20 to 40 years old, nor those generally considered severely handicapped in any way. It is intended for those:

(1) American-citizenship women who want to become non-State-licensed permanent-spouse concubines (not wives) of already-married non-clergy men, which willingness makes them available to become permanent inferior-wife-equivalent additional (not "replacement" nor "other") spouses of already-married men
(2) women who are not homogay nor homosodomite lesbians
(3) non-homosexual Christian married men who are able and willing to be discreet about disclosing the identity of their additional-spouse concubine to others (including to their State-marriage-licensed-and-registered wife, their and her immediate family members, their and her friends and neighbors, their and her employer(s), their and her church, the government, etc.)
(4) either gender who identify their religion with specific reference to the RSV (Revised Standard Version), the NRSV (New Revised Standard Version), the KJV (King James Version) or KJV-equivalent (e.g. NKJV, MKJV, KJ21, Literal, Wesley, JB2000, etc), NON-Apocrypha-inclusive, Holy Bible which they use and will use for mutual devotions.

NOTE: Those espousing the NIV (New International Version), TEV, and similar modern translations (which do not have the Trinitarian KJV-equivalent rendition of KJV's First John 5:7 in the main text) are prohibited from using this conveyance.

Basically, applicants who are interested in utilizing this opportunity apply by sending an e-mail to ccaas@safe-mail.net and required to type in ALL mandatory sequentially-listed information regarding:

RACE (W=White, N=Negroid, A=Asian)
EYE COLOR (BLU=blue, BRW=brown, HZL=hazel, GRN=green, GRY=grey)
THEIR AGE (20 to 40 years old, for women)
HAIR COLOR (BLD=blonde, BRN=brunette or brown, BLK=black)
DATE OF APPLICATION (in the day/month/year format - like, for example: 03/05/15)
HEIGHT (example: 5FT10IN)
WEIGHT (example: 220LBS)
E-MAIL ADDRESS (example: E-MAIL=ccaas@safe-mail.net)
Thus, a full and complete Applicant Code Identifier will read somewhat as follows:


A woman's Applicant Code Identifier might instead read somewhat as follows:


As promptly as possible, the CCAAS operator and manager (i.e. Icorigin) might put that info on the webpage http://concuwives.tripod.com/ccaas, and such will remain thereon until the applicant notifies Icorigin to delete it by using the exact descriptive words: Please delete ........... (Applicant Code Identifier) from your CCAAS webpage -- typed into an e-mail sent to ccaas@safe-mail.net -- which info will (as soon as possible) cause the website http://concuwives.tripod.com/ccaas to be adjusted to accommodate the deletion request.

Again, neither Icorigin nor his CCAAS assumes any validity, legal liability, responsibility, or obligation pertaining to any of the above-mentioned suggestions.